List of Pros and Cons of Horse Slaughter
Horse slaughter is one of the more sensitive topics that is regularly debated. Typically, opinions about this practice fall into two categories: those who believe that the practice is incredibly inhumane and those who are totally in favor of continuing to slaughter horses and see no problems with the status quo.
It can be argued that horse slaughter certainly has a place in modern society, while others say that its legitimacy has been exceeded by its frequency. This is why it has become so difficult for both sides to come together and make a decision as to whether the practice needs to be permanently banned. The time has come for a much closer examination of the pros and cons associated with horse slaughter.
List of Pros of Horse Slaughter
1. Increased Production of Horse Meat
For proponents of continued horse slaughter, the decision is simple: by maintaining the same horse slaughter practices, the production of horse meat remains level. Since many people enjoy consuming horse meat on a regular basis, these supporters see no reason why horse slaughtering should be discontinued. As demand for horse meat remains consistent, so does the demand for horse slaughtering.
When production of horse meat remains high, this allows those who raise horses and own them to continue earning an honest income. Slaughtering horses gives owners the chance to not only get rid of unwanted animals, but also increase the amount of horse meat currently available on the market, which is seen as a win/win scenario by many observers.
2. Population Control and Breeding
Horse population has been known to spiral out of control when it is not properly regulated. Simply put, there is not enough space for all of the world’s horses to live a full, happy life, which means some of them must be eliminated, for the greater good of the population. There is no easier way to eliminate horses that do not have homes and have gone unwanted.
By getting rid of unwanted horses who are of lesser breeds, this also increases the current class of horses and gives us a chance to get rid of bad breeds that do not provide a high level of usefulness. Horse slaughter helps to keep the world from being overrun with low class horse breeds and ensures that higher level breeds are able to live on and survive.
3. Getting Rid Of Elderly and Infirm Horses
Not only is horse slaughter the safest way for the population to get rid of older, sicker horses that are past their prime, but it is also the most humane. Without horse slaughter, elderly and infirm horses would be forced to die from terminal illnesses and natural causes, which increases the pain and suffering that they feel during their twilight years.
There is also a great deal of negligence involved with the treatment of horses who have already outlived their level of usefulness. People are typically not willing to care for horses who are old and unhealthy and horse slaughter provides a method for disposing of these horses than can be mutually beneficial to both parties. The horses are able to die in peace, while horse meat production remains high.
List of Cons of Horse Slaughter
1. Increase In Horse Abuse
Animal lovers regularly point to the dangers of allowing the horse meat industry to become a cash cow on par with chicken and beef. Horse meat production is not always done in a humane manner and the animals are often subjected to conditions that are very poor. Horses who are kept in slaughter horses are not always given proper living quarters and in many cases, they are forced to consume foods that are not a part of their usual diet.
As the slaughtering of horses becomes more commonplace and people develop a consistent taste for horse meat, the chances of horses being forced to live in squalid conditions for the sake of increased production become dramatically larger. Horse meat’s popularity is directly tied to the level of treatment that horses receive and detractors fear that an industry built on animal cruelty will emerge.
2. Health Risks To Adjacent Humans
People who live in close proximity to a horse slaughter horse are subjected to severe health risks. Unless the horses are slaughtered with the proper care and supervision, those who live close to the area where the slaughter is taking place may experience health complications.
The slaughter of horses has not reached a high enough level of popularity where safety information is commonly shared. There are still a number of blind spots when it comes to horse slaughter and one of them is the effect on the adjacent population.
3. Morally Questionable
Any time animals are slaughtered for human consumption, a wide range of moral questions must be asked. While certain countries find no qualms with consuming dog meat, others may find this practice to be utterly reprehensible. The same quandary applies to the consumption of horse meat. Society currently sees no issue with the slaughter of cows and chickens, but has not reached the same consensus when it comes to horse meat.
If horse slaughter was ever to reach mainstream acceptability, the ensuing moral outrage would become incredibly difficult to ignore or drown out. Horses are incredibly popular creatures who are beloved by much of society and as a result, people are incredibly uneasy about the prospect of killing them for meat.