In the history of the United States, the Gilded Age is considered as the period that span from the eighteen-seventies...
Human Rights
The Keating-Owen Child Labor act was the very first bill to focus on the issue of children being exploited for...
Fibromyalgia is a disorder that is characterized by a widespread musculoskeletal aching associated with fatigue, memory, mood and sleep issues....
Feminism has become a highly debatable topic. This is basically a movement with a collection of ideologies that aim to...
When a woman gets pregnant and finds out that she is, it is only expected that due to her happiness,...
Every person, after they acquired all the necessary things to work, can already choose to do so in their will....
People who are fond of watching action movies, specifically those where law enforcement individuals are involved, are surely familiar with...
The Right to Bear Arms describes the right of citizens to possess weapons. This Second Amendment to the Constitution of...
Everyone has the power to exercise their rights. One of the constitutional rights is the right to vote. But, when...
The Equal Rights Amendment was a proposed adjustment to the United States constitution. This can make gender equality a constitutional...