Caffeine Pros and Cons List

Most people are caffeine consumers of some kind, whether it be in coffee or tea, soft drinks, or chocolate and even in many of the over-the –counter medicines we take. What are the pros and cons of using this popular substance?

What Are the Pros of Caffeine

1. Caffeine Can Help Your Mind Work Better
Caffeine increases our mental processes on a temporary basis since it is a psychoactive stimulant. It aids concentration, and increases mental energy levels and short-term memory function.

2. It Helps Boost Your Energy and Mood
Any regular coffee drinker recognizes the mild energizing effect of this stimulant; there is no doubt caffeine increases energy levels temporarily. Researchers have also discovered that caffeine can improve your mood. Moderate consumption of caffeine releases dopamine, which acts as a neurotransmitter that acts on the area in the brain regulating productivity and alertness.

3. It Can Cut Down on the Risk of Parkinson’s Disease
Caffeine has been shown to reduce the risk of this disease, a disorder of the motor system that results in poor balance, muscle rigidity, and trembling. Caffeine is believed to help the body retain brain cells that transmit dopamine, which are the cells Parkinson’s destroys.

What Are the Cons of Caffeine

1. Too Much Coffee is Bad for You
Like any drug, caffeine can have negative effects if taken in large quantities. Around 500 milligrams, or 4 cups of coffee, can cause indigestion, insomnia, irregular heartbeat, nervousness, and irritability. Many people also have headaches and stress levels can go up dramatically due to caffeine withdrawal. In some cases, withdrawal can greatly increase depression and anxiety. Caffeine can also increase blood pressure, which could lead to a higher risk of heart disease and cause a surge in blood sugar levels. In addition, too much caffeine is thought to decrease bone density in women who are premenopausal.

Excess caffeine consumption may result in moderate stomach problems like heartburn to more severe stomach problems such as ulcers as well as to researchers, too much caffeine ingestion can lead to gastrointestinal problems including stomach problems like ulcers, and lessened digestive ability because of increased acidity levels in the stomach due to raised acidity levels in the stomach.

2. Caffeine Has Negative Effects on Pregnant Women
Women who consume large amounts of caffeine may be at higher risk of miscarrying or having infants with reduced birth weight. 200 mg of caffeine daily is the recommended amount for pregnant women.

3. Coffee Can Cause You to Gain Weight
The caffeine ‘high’ caused by this stimulant can increase cravings, which may cause people to eat more food, especially sugary treats. The crash from the caffeine high can also cause people to resort to sugar to quickly increase energy levels.