Animal Experimentation Pros and Cons List

Animal experimentation is a hot button issue, with valid viewpoints on both sides of the equation. There are some who see the benefits to animal experimentation, while others see it as cruel and unusual punishment for the animals. In order to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of experimentation on animals, read on to learn more.

List of Pros of Animal Experimentation

1. Helps Scientists During Research
For obvious reasons, a scientist or researcher cannot test their products on a human subject. While some cannot stomach the idea of animals being experimented on, it is next to impossible to develop new products and services without having usable subjects for experimentation. These experiments have led to some of our most pivotal innovations.

2. Better Quality Of Life For Humans
Scientists and medical researchers need to use animals for their experiments, so that they can find new forms of medication to improve our overall quality of life. Unless new medications and medical treatments can be used in animal experimentation prior to their release to the general public, people are at increased risk for exposure to harmful chemicals.

3. DNA Composition Similar To A Human’s
When it comes to animal experimentation, their DNA composition is close enough to ours, making them the best possible choice for any sort of testing that needs to be done. Knowing whether a new invention or medical breakthrough will be applicable on human subjects require the use of animal experimentation. This may not be palatable to animal rights activists, but it is the only viable option.

List of Cons of Animal Experimentation

1. Animals Are Injured or Killed
Every experiment does not result in a painful or fatal experience for the animals involved, but even occasional fatality or injury for subjects of animal experimentation is too much for animal rights defenders to swallow. Animals may also experience permanent damage as the result of an experiment, forcing to live a diminished lifestyle for the remainder of their days.

2. Costly
Animal experimentation is not advisable for those who wish to save money. Even if you are able to locate inexpensive animals for experimentation, they come with major upkeep costs, such as housing, food and essential medical care. Animals used for experimentation are not able to captured from the wild and must be purchased, which leads to inflation of expenses.

3. Tests Are Not Pertinent
Every form of animal experimentation is not needed or will lead to a scientific or medical breakthrough. Worst case scenario, the experiments are performed, the animal suffers and the product tested never even makes its way to public consumption. These are the instances that animal rights activists point to when they are asked to explain their lack of support.