Online Education Pros and Cons List
Online education has increased in popularity in recent years, as more students reap the benefits of being able to fit their secondary education into their busy schedules. While there are a number of benefits to online education, there are also a wide range of drawbacks. The only way to determine whether the pros outweigh the cons is to study them and see which of the advantages and disadvantages apply to your situation.
List of Pros of Online Education
1. Flexibility
For a student who is working or raising children, being able to fit their education into their very busy daily schedule is important. While there are still deadlines to be met for online students, these deadlines are much easier to reach when a student has the ability to plan ahead.
2. Constant Access To Course Material
In a typical classroom setting, a student needs to obtain their own notes and study them on a consistent basis. Unless they attend every class and take meticulous notes, it is very difficult for them to pass. When a person utilizes online education, one of the most obvious advantages that they receive is having 24/7/365 access to all of their most necessary course materials.
3. No Commuting
One of the hardest parts of fitting secondary education into a busy schedule is handling the commute times. All of the additional time needed to commute to and from classes is time that is easily reinvested into studying course materials and completing homework assignments in a timely fashion.
List of Cons of Online Education
1. Less Meeting Time With
When a student pursues their education online, this cuts down on the amount of time that they are able to spend with their professor. An online professor functions as more of a guide than a teacher. A student is left to figure out their course materials by themselves. While this schooling format may work well for certain students, there are others who are going to struggle.
2. Technology Is Not Infallible
Most students already have access to personal computers, but technical support at a variety of online schools still leaves much to be desired. Students who experience technological difficulties are left in the difficult position of being forced to explain their issues to an instructor who may or may not be sympathetic to their plight.
3. Negative Stigma Attached To Online Degrees
More and more online education outlets are beginning to become accredited institutions, but there are still a variety of employers who are not impressed by students who obtain online degrees. Like it or not, there is still a negative stigma attached to online education. Recent studies show that only six out of every ten employers actually values an online degree.