Biometric Technology Pros and Cons List
In recent years biometric technology has advanced to the point of being used in military and government facilities around the world. Major financial institutions have incorporated biometric technology as their primary source of security for obvious reasons. World leaders in commerce have turned to biometric technology when it is critical to their future to secure their present assets. As biometric technology advanced home security and smaller companies began to use this valuable tool. Perhaps now is the time to consider some of the pros and cons of this fascinating technological advancement.
What Are the Pros of Biometric Technology?
1. Accuracy
This technology is highly accurate. Since biometric technology uses unique physical features for authentication. It may be programmed to recognize facial features or even more secure, it may utilize something as unique as a finger print or the retina pattern of the human eye. To date, nothing has proven more accurate in authenticating identification.
2. Security
Because of the uniqueness of biometrics technology, the need for key cards, identification badges and keys are virtually eliminated. With that elimination go the chance for security breech through theft. Operation costs are drastically reduced after the initial investment of the technology.
3. Fight against Terrorism
By employing this very advanced system and pairing it with images on file by nations fighting the war on terrorism, biometric technology becomes a massive weapon. Already utilized in airports and government agencies around the world, it is arguably one of the world’s best defenses.
4. Elimination of Time Card Forgery
Companies lose millions of dollars from employee’s manipulation of old fashion time clock. Writing time in, clocking in and out for a co-worker, loss of cards or damage of clocks are some of the forgery that takes place daily. Biometric Technology is a massive blow against that waste.
5. Unneeded Passwords
Perhaps one of the most difficult security breaches to overcome is password protected information. A dishonest, disloyal or careless associate can cripple a company by allowing this information to fall into the wrong hands. Biometric technology will insure the true identity of the person accessing sensitive information.
What Are the Cons of Biometric Technology?
1. Cost
Though biometric technology pays for itself with savings to companies and insurances against theft, the initial investment is quite costly. There is also software and maintenance costs to consider. Also, most companies or agencies, invests in employment of more advanced and highly trained people to monitor the systems. The initial cost to implement the correct system is expensive. A company has to weigh the costs against the benefits.
2. Discomfort
Though highly advanced and relatively easy to utilize, some people are offended by the invasion of their personal space. They are uncomfortable with feeling “scanned” and documented. Some people feel this is an insult to their humanity and chose not to works with a company who they feel values their business more than the comfort of their people.
3. Malfunction
Though it is rare, there are some people who are unable to be identified with biometric technology. It is not clear why, there are people for which the biometric technology cannot fine a focal point. This creates its own issues with-in the program developed on individuality
4. False Confidence
There is a real fear of over confidence in the biometric technology systems. Though it is the best the world has to offer, no system created by man is error proof. Even with an only 1% identification error rate, there is still room for manipulation of the system given the right information. Human judgment must not be eliminated in exchange for a system even with 99% accuracy.
Though with any system, there are pros and cons and those pros and cons must be weighed by the person, company or government agency choosing to incorporate biometric technology. Most agree, the pros of this miracle of technology outweigh the cons.