Porcelain Veneers Pros and Cons List

If is often frightening to try new things. When those new things affect your smile, it becomes even more fearsome. Porcelain Veneers are such a thing. They are new and exciting, yet frightening. So let’s take a look at the pros and cons.

Pros of Porcelain Veneers

1. Covers a Wide Variety of Dental Issues.
Porcelain Veneers are beautiful and cover a wide variety of dental issues. Spaces in the teeth, crooked teeth and missing teeth are addressed when the porcelain veneers are installed. One trip to the dentist, followed by the installation trip and what would have been years of procedures to get the smile wanted are eliminated.

2. Easier to Maintain.
The maintenance (from your dentist) and upkeep of porcelain veneers is much easier than traditional treatments which require multiple trips to the dentist. There are no bands to tighten, surgeries to go through and adjustments.

3. Stays White Forever.
Porcelain Veneers are virtually impossible to stain, so they stay bright and white forever.

4. Look Natural.
Porcelain Veneers look like natural teeth. There are no fitting problems as with dentures. They do not move and do not come out.

5. Last a Long Time.
With proper care and good dental habits, porcelain veneers can last from 10 to 15 years. Note: there are a lot of factors that determine how long porcelain veneers will last and must be looked at on an individual basis. This is a general reference, best case scenario.

Cons of Porcelain Veneers

1. Are Expensive.
Porcelain veneers are very expensive. One tooth can cost up to $1500 to install. To have a complete set of porcelain veneers; cost will likely be in the (several) thousands of dollars range.

2. Do Not Change Colors.
Porcelain Veneers do not change colors. Though at first site, this sounds like a great thing. But consider that the natural teeth do change colors. After a period of time it is very hard to keep your natural teeth as white as your one or two porcelain veneers. Unless you opt for the entire set, it will be very noticeable over time.

3. May Not Be Covered by Insurance.
Porcelain veneers are not always covered by insurance. Even though this is an option that will solve a lot of dental issues, it is still classified as cosmetic. The expense involved is significant and an insurance company will always go for the less expensive way to get from point A to point B.

4. Influenced by Bad Personal Habits.
Personal habits must be of the highest standards. If you have bad habits such as chewing on pencils, biting your nails, grinding your teeth, not brushing often and more; porcelain veneers are not your best option. The foods you eat, the way you take care of your veneers and your willingness to adapt 100% will determine the life of your veneers. Porcelain Veneers will crack and shift. If you think you can avoid changing your ways to adapt to the addition, you could end up with thousands of dollars’ worth of teeth that have to be replaced. The life of the veneers can be reduced to five years or less without proper and strict care.

5. Not For Use by Younger Generation.
Porcelain veneers cannot be installed on younger patients. The patient must be well past the age of growing and changing teeth. Though some dentist will install them, changes in teeth due to growth cause the veneers to draw away from the gum line leaving a very dark gum line. This is why most dentists will not attempt installing them on anyone under a certain age, which is determined individually.