List of Pros and Cons of Hydrogen Energy
Hydrogen’s usefulness as an element has been well documented. It is commonly found and is a gas that is created with a combination of oxygen and carbon. When it comes to energy that is produced cleanly, few elements can match the power of hydrogen. Out of all fuels used in modern society, hydrogen contains the highest levels of overall energy content.
In recent years, more advances have been made as it relates to the production of hydrogen. Since hydrogen is safer and efficient than most forms of energy, it has begun to increase in popularity. It is environmentally friendly, due to its utilization of natural elements. Out of the several energy sources used today, hydrogen is considered to be the wave of the future.
The majority of those who use hydrogen energy tout its benefits and offer their continued support, while those who do not point to a decided lack of feasibility and point to the financial penalties that come with utilizing hydrogen energy. Taking a closer look at the list below will provide you with a new perspective about the pros and cons associated with hydrogen energy.
List of Pros of Hydrogen Energy
1. Environmental Friendliness
During the burning of hydrogen energy, no harmful emissions are left behind that can have a lasting effect on the environment, giving it a major advantage over most other forms of energy that are commonly relied upon in modern society. NASA’s spaceships have already begun to use hydrogen energy and have found that its usage leaves behind water that is clean enough to drink.
Hydrogen energy also lacks toxicity, which is an incredibly rare quality for the majority of energy sources. Coal, gasoline and other commonly used fuels are considered to have negative effects on the environment, which is why so many households are in the process of making the switch to hydrogen energy on a full time basis.
2. Widely Available
Hydrogen is widely available and very easy to find. Detractors point to the fact that some work is required to uncover this form of energy, but in reality, there is no more work required than any other form of conventional energy. Unlike other forms of energy, hydrogen can be replenished and is not finite.
Many of the energies we use on a day to day basis are not able to be renewed once they have been used up. Conversely, hydrogen energy can be produced repeatedly and on demand, which is a huge advantage in a world where energy needs are only going to continue to increase as the years go by.
3. One Of The Most Efficient Fuels
As the aforementioned passage states, hydrogen energy is used in NASA spaceships, which speaks volumes about its level of efficiency. Since hydrogen energy is three times as powerful as traditional fossil fuels such as gasoline, this means that a much smaller amount can be used to achieve the same effect.
When hydrogen fuel is used in an automobile, the driver is able to travel much farther than they would with the same amount of gasoline. Thanks to this increased efficiency, energy intensive tasks can be performed without worry of depletion. An energy source that is renewable and efficient is where future societies are headed.
List of Cons of Hydrogen Energy
1. Prohibitively Expensive
Not only is hydrogen much more expensive than most forms of fuel, but it also requires a lot of work to become separated from the elements it is naturally attached to. While the aforementioned advantages make it seem easy to use, its usage has been limited to the population’s upper class at the present time. It has yet to become feasible for use by the middle and lower classes.
The amount of time and the expense are considerable and storage for hydrogen energy is also costly. Hydrogen energy is difficult to transport in large amounts, which makes it hard to be used for normal day to day functions. Hydrogen energy is very efficient from an usage standpoint, but less so financially.
2. The Difficulty of Replacing Existing Infrastructure
Hydrogen is extremely costly from a production and transportation point of view and it is also difficult to imagine how it will become a viable replacement for traditional gasoline, since the entire infrastructure is currently built on the use of fossil fuels. The costs of updating infrastructure in order to make it more feasible for the average motorist to use hydrogen energy are astronomical.
The majority of lawmakers and citizens are perfectly okay with the current system that is in place and since things are working just fine, there is a “if it’s not broken, do not fix it” mentality at play. Even though hydrogen is cleaner and burns more efficiently, this is not enough to offset the costs involved.
3. Fossil Fuels Are Still Needed
The dream of replacing all of our fossil fuels with cleaner burning hydrogen is a bit far fetched. In order to separate the hydrogen from the oxygen to be used, a number of fossil fuels are needed. Detractors point to the fact that we are essentially reducing our dependency on fossil fuels, while simultaneously maintaining it.
People who are comfortable using fossil fuels are also less likely to make the necessary changes, especially considering the expenses involved. Until the day arrives when hydrogen energy is cheaply and easily accessed by all segments of society, there will be very little traction for a permanent switch.