List of Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Corn
When it comes to genetically modified corn, the debate has raged on for some time now and there is a good chance you have already consumed some genetically modified corn in the past. Many believe in the effectiveness of genetically modifying foods, because it allows them to develop an increased resistance to the infestation of pests, as well as droughts.
There are others who point to the possibilities of internal damage caused by genetically modified corn, as well as allergic reactions. A number of studies have been performed on animals who have consumed genetically modified corn and the results were startling, to say the least. Since each side’s point of view contains a great deal of validity, let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of genetically modified corn.
List of Pros of Genetically Modified Corn
1. Tastier Corn of Higher Quality.
Whenever corn is genetically altered, the qualities that make it tasty to the consumer are amplified, while those that do not are more muted. During the genetic modification of corn, its flavor becomes significantly enhanced. The corn can be made to be sweeter, if that’s what the customer prefers.
Those who struggle to eat corn because the taste is not palatable to them may enjoy eating genetically modified corn more. For many consumers, taste is the most important factor when they are making a purchasing decisions and it comes first and foremost. Any scuttlebutt about genetic modification is simply not important to this particular segment of society.
2. Corn Does Not Become Diseased.
One of the main advantages that supporters of genetically modified corn point to is the lack of chance for diseases to develop. Corn that has been modified genetically is much less susceptible to disease and those types of unexpected issues are no longer a worry for those who genetically alter the corn that they grow.
As such, harvests have a much greater yield, since there is less breakage and very few pieces end up going to waste. Supporters also trumpet this fact and talk about the benefits that genetically modified corn could have over the long term. The solution to world hunger could be much closer than any of us has a chance to realize.
3. Additional Nutritional Benefits.
When corn is genetically modified, this allows the parties who are responsible for the modifications to alter the food in a positive way, by adding extra nutrients, vitamins and minerals. At a time when people are struggling more than ever to maintain an ideal, healthy weight, creating foods with added nutritional benefits could be just what the doctor ordered.
Developed countries can benefit from consumption of genetically modified corn, as well as those who are less advanced. Countries who are still in the process of development often struggle to provide the proper forms of nourishment to their people and with genetically modified corn, they can take a valuable step in the right direction. Not having access to the resources needed to create healthy food is no longer a deterrent.
List of Cons of Genetically Modified Corn
1. Lack of Environmental Friendliness.
Any time food is grown in a place that would not normally be hospitable for farming, there is a major risk of long term damage to the environment. In a number of instance, genetically modified foods (such as corn) are grown in areas where crossbreeding with non genetically modified plants in a major concern.
For example, a field where corn is grown in a genetically modified corn may experience dangerous crossbreeding when weeds that were not modified begin to cross over with the corn. Farmers are forced to increase their efforts of genetic modification, because corn that is grown to be resistant to herbicides can lead to the growth of weeds and other plants that are also unable to be killed off with herbicide.
2. Same Costs and Very Little Economic Relief.
When corn is grown using genetic modification, there is very little economic benefit to be had overall. Not only does genetically modified corn take just as long to be grown as its more conventional counterpart, but there is scant evidence to suggest that there any other economic positives to be taken from using foods that are genetically altered.
Detractors of genetically modified corn point to the fact that additional money is often spent to clear out weeds and plants that have become crossbred with the corn and developed an immunity to herbicide. In these instances, it can be argued that genetically modified corn actually increases overall costs, as opposed to providing a significant decrease.
3. Large Increase In Allergic Reactions.
While genetic food modifications are tweaked on a consistent basis, when it comes to genetically modified corn, study after study has shown that consumption of this particular foodstuff leads to an severe increase in the population’s occurrence of allergic reactions. Food based allergies are a growing problem in modern society, one that is triggered by excessive consumption of foods that have been genetically modified.
Genetically modified corn’s allergic reactions can be caused by a number of factors and a person who avoids genetically modified corn may still be at risk. Let’s say an animal on the farm where genetically modified foods are being grown gets into a GMO corn crop and consumes a large amount. A person who is susceptible to allergic reactions may end up in the hospital from consuming animal meat that they falsely believed to be free of all GMO characteristics.