List of Pros and Cons of The Paleo Diet

The thought process behind the paleo diet is actually quite simple in nature. It is argued that humans were in their best shape back in the days before fast food and convenient eating, that ancient humans are the model that we should be looking up to. Some consider the Paleo diet to be a fad, others swear by it. Chances are high that you have heard of this diet in some way, shape, or form. Supporters believe the emulating the diet of ancient humans is the best way to get in shape, others argue that ancient humans were in such great shape because they had to chase down and kill their own dinner.

List of Pros of The Paleo Diet

1. Rich In Nutrients
The paleo diet is rich in a variety of needed nutrients. Soluble fiber content is quite high, while omega 3 fatty acids are also plentiful. Humans require certain carbohydrates for their bodies to run effectively and this diet provides carbohydrates with a low glycemic content. Monounsaturated fat content is also high, for the dieter who is seeking out the proper fats to balance their overall eating regimen. No more counting calories and spending time agonizing over portion sizes for Paleo dieters. Their decisions become much simpler.

2. Low In Fats And Sugars
Trying to cut down on fat and sugar content? The Paleo diet is perfect for this purpose. Now that gluten free foods have become the latest health craze, the Paleo diet has taken on added importance. There are very few added sugars, zero trans fats to speak of and low salt content. High glycemic carbohydrates are unable to be found in the Paleo diet and a lot of the guesswork is taken out of dieting because the sorts of harmful foods a person might choose to overeat are strictly forbidden. No more having to wonder if you can have that brownie after dinner.

3. Improved Overall Feeling
Once a person eliminates all of the aforementioned harmful fats and sugars from their diet and replaces them with healthier alternatives, they often report experiencing greater bursts of energy and an overall increase in their health. Since the Paleo diet forces the participant to get rid of any sort of processed food, the increase in energy and boost to overall health is often attributed to this dietary change, especially when it is coupled with regular exercise.

4. Feeling Full After Meals
While processed foods fill us up quickly, the feeling fades much faster. We simply do not feel sufficiently satiated after eating meals that are high in sugar and fats. When we consume more natural foods, we tend to feel full for much longer periods of time after we eat, which decreases the need for snacking. The increased feeling of satiety is due to the Paleo diet’s high amounts of protein and useful fats. Instead of pumping your body full of fats that burn off quickly and leave you hungry again, the Paleo diet gives your body the omega 3s it needs to function throughout the day.

List of Cons of The Paleo Diet

1. Over Reliance On Meat
Those who love to eat meat typically enjoy the Paleo diet, but those who do not quickly tire of it. The diet relies heavily on meats to create meals each day. In addition to the undeniable fact that eating the same foods on a consistent basis renders us tired of them, there is also the fact that meats are simply not as lean as they were when cavemen roamed the terrain. They may not provide us with the same health benefits.

2. The Diet Is Costly
Unfortunately, even though processed foods are far worse for your waistline, they are also much better for your wallet. The reason so many people get sucked into eating diets that are heavy on processed foods is because they are so cheap. The more strictly you adhere to the Paleo diet, the fewer inexpensive alternatives you have available to you. Purchasing foods that are trans-fat and gluten free can be very expensive, as well as selecting cuts of meat that are suitable to eat. Skimping on price when it comes to meat can lead to unpleasant dining experiences.

3. Lack Of Diary
Not everyone can get away with cutting all dairy products out of their diet without suffering any sort of health repercussions. Everyone’s system is different and some of us need dairy products to survive and keep our bones at their healthiest. Bone structure and health is important, so those who struggle with bone density or are particularly susceptible to bone breaks, bruises and fractures should be careful about strictly adhering to the Paleo diet.

4. Athletes Need Carbohydrates
The Paleo diet does not always work well for those who need their body to perform a certain way. Depending on their personal body weight, an athlete needs at least three to six grams of carbohydrates for every pound. Since these carbohydrates need to be consumed on a daily basis and the Paleo diet relies so heavily on fruits and vegetables, getting these carbohydrates is a tremendous challenge for athletes who attempt this diet. It is very difficult to get all of the carbohydrates they need by just eating veggies and fruits.