There are at least 13 different efforts to pass a Constitutional amendment or amendments that reverse Citizens United, and deal with the corruption of money in our electoral process. This is a good thing, imho. The amendment that gave 18 year olds the right to vote was ratified quickly because of the Vietnam War, and 18 year olds were dying in that war. We may have an opportunity given the ferment in the country that OWS has generated, bringing the conversation about inequality and corruption in our politics and elections to the fore. Start working to pass local resolutions condemning corporate personhood and clean elections, pass state resolutions, and when enough states can claim this, we can threaten Congress with a Constitutional Convention. This is the broad outline. Parallel paths can be taken in our assault but this strategy has a precedent that might work for us. Passing these resolutions and eventually amendments that address some of the corruption is working in the right direction.
Occupy Shareholder Meetings is another. Beat them at their own game. As a shareholder hold the corporate masters accountable, demand governance changes that make corporate boards more democratic. Demand downsizing of the multinational behemoths that are squandering resources for their own profit, cut them down to a size that can be drowned in a bathtub, if need be... Form stock buying groups that can buy enough shares to have a say, influence the corporation from within. Reform them to just and equitable standards. A hard task, but not impossible.