LGBT Homeless Youth Statistics

With the information regarding LGBT homeless youth statistics, many people around the world will have a lot of knowledge on the condition of youth who are living in the streets. Actually, it is truly hard for them to live in the streets at a young age. Living in the streets can give them a lot of health illnesses that might put their life in a serious condition. And they can’t also keep their body clean because they don’t have their own comfort room. This is the reasons why there are many LGBT organizations today that are always willing to help youth through giving them in kind donations or houses that can keep them from weather disturbance.

In New York City, the number of the LGBT homeless youth is getting bigger. Some individuals are having great awareness of it. They actually take a rest and sleep in some areas that have a huge space, and there are times they are looking for unused couch to give their selves a comfortable sleep even though it is full of dirt.

Organizations and Assistance

In 2008, there are some organizations that build a center for youth. But, because they have a big population, this organization can’t accept them all. Even though they accepted a certain numbers of this LGBT homeless youth, there are still 40 percent of them who were left in the streets. Study shows that there are still 5,320 home youth that are living in the streets of New York City.

Below are the results of 2008 fund of New York that contributes by the City Council
• No. of LGBT beds in a shelter that funded by the city and state – 42
• No. of shelter which funded by the city and states – 250
• No. and percentage of LGBTQ – 1,600 (42 percent)
• No. of homeless youth that live in New York City – 3,800

LGBT Homeless Youth Impact

Most of this homeless youth experience brutality, violence, and homophobia in the streets and in some youth shelter. There are times that they are under drug addiction and HIV infection. Below are the statistics of the LGBT youth that experience several harassment.

• There are 84.3 percent of LGBT youth students that have homophobic remarks.
• There are 69 percent of LGBT youth that experience violence and harassment.
• There are 41.9 percent of them experience physical assault and harassment.
• There are 65.4 percent of LGBT homeless youth who suffer from sexual harassment.
• And there are 83.2 percent of this homeless youth who experience verbal harassment.

With this information regarding LGBT homeless youth statistics, many people primarily to those who are living in a wealthy lifestyle will have the interest to help this LGBT homeless youth in giving them well built center or house. It is a fact that seeing them in living in the street is not good in their young body. And at a very young age, they already suffered from serious harassment that can give them phobia. With the help of some organization, these youths will have the chance to live in a safe and clean house.

LGBT Youth Homelessness Facts and Trends